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Trying to understand ACT scores

Hello! I'm a little confused with the scoring for the ACT. Is getting a 22 considered solid or should I be looking to bump it up?

3 months ago

In order to give you a useful answer, we need to place your score on the larger scale of the ACT, and then we need compare that score to the typical scores received by students attending the universities you're interested in.

First, let's talk about the ACT in general. The ACT is scored from 1 to 36, with 36 being the highest possible score. According to ACT, the average composite score in 2020 was a 20.6. As such, your score of 22 is above the national average.

However, if you're aiming for selective universities, you'll want to strive for a higher score. Schools like the UCs, for instance, typically see average ACT scores in the mid-to-high 20s, at least. More selective private schools often have average ACT scores in the 30s. Please note, these are averages which means students are accepted with scores below and above these marks.

In the end, a "good" score really depends on the context. Spend some time on the admissions pages of the universities you're interested in. These pages often list the middle 50% ACT scores for admitted students, which can give you a rough estimate of what each school is looking for. Always aim to land in that middle 50% range or better. However, keep in mind that test scores make up only one section of your application! Other factors like GPA, essays, and extracurricular activities are also crucial.

3 months ago

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