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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What are George Washington University's application deadlines?

Hey all, I'm planning out my application timeline and I'm considering George Washington University. Could anyone provide the application deadlines - both early action/decision and regular decision?

3 months ago

Sure, George Washington University actually follows three different admission timelines.

For the Early Decision I option, you need to submit by November 1st. The results for the same will be announced by December 15th.

They have an Early Decision II option as well where you can apply by January 5th and the decisions are out by February 15th.

The Regular Decision deadline is January 5th and you will be notified by April 1st.

Remember that Early Decision is binding, meaning if you're accepted, you agree to enroll at GWU. Regular Decision and Early Decision II, on the other hand, allow you some more time to compare acceptances and financial aid offers from other universities. Plan your timeline accordingly! Good luck with your application.

3 months ago

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