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Training Opportunities in Military for Certified Welder?

I'm graduating next year and have already gotten my welding certification. I'm thinking of entering a branch of the military and was wondering - which branch would offer the best opportunities and advancement for someone with my skill set? Any welders out there who've gone this route?

3 months ago

If you're looking to join the military as a certified welder, there are several branches that might be a good fit for your skills. The Army, Navy, Air Force, and the Marines all offer positions for welders, but the benefits can vary somewhat based on the specific role and branch.

In the Army, the MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) for a welder is 91W Metal Worker. In this job, you could be constructing or repairing buildings, bridges, or field equipment. The Army also offers Career Skills Programs (CSPs) where soldiers can learn civilian career skills, such as welding, during their last 180 days of service.

The Navy has the Hull Maintenance Technician (HT) rating, where individuals train to become welders, cutters, and sheet metal workers. This job involves welding, fabricating, and installing parts of ships and submarines, so if you're interested in marine construction, this might be a good fit.

In the Air Force, the structural career field (3E3X1) involves welding and metal fabrication, which could align well with your existing certification.

Lastly, the Marines offer the MOS 1316, or Metal Worker. In this role, you would fabricate, repair and modify metallic and nonmetallic parts to maintain the functionality of Marine Corps' weapon systems and motor transport equipment.

In terms of career advancement, the military generally promotes based on performance evaluations, tests of military knowledge, physical fitness, and time in grade, more than specific job skills. However, if you consistently perform well in your role as a welder, this could positively influence your performance evaluations, thereby enhancing your chances of promotion.

Finally, remember to take into account where you might want to live, or what type of environment you want to work in, whether that be land-based, sea-based, or air-based assignments. Each branch will have different kinds of deployments and duty stations which can also influence your decision.

3 months ago

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