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Enlisting in the military with asthma?

I've always been interested in serving in the military after high school, but I have asthma. I'm managing it well, but I'm not sure how that affects my eligibility. Is it possible to join any branches of the military with this condition? Any advice or experiences would be helpful, thanks in advance!

3 months ago

Your interest in serving in the military is commendable. However, certain medical conditions, including asthma, can be a hurdle. According to military enlistment standards governed by the Department of Defense, history of asthma after the age of 13 is generally disqualifying for enlistment. The relevance here is the age you were when you last had asthma symptoms or were treated. If you were diagnosed or treated after your 13th birthday, you're typically disqualified unless granted a waiver for the condition.

Waivers are not guaranteed but they may be possible depending on the severity of your asthma and how well it's controlled. Asthma that is well controlled and does not require regular treatment could potentially be granted a waiver. However, waivers are generally more difficult to obtain the more elite or strenuous the role is that you're applying for.

This same policy applies across all branches of the military, including Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Space Force.

Now, before concluding that your chances of serving in the military are dashed due to asthma, all hope is not lost. The waivers exist for a reason and successful waiver applications have been seen. You should make sure to discuss your ambitions with your healthcare provider and possibly a military recruiter to gauge your probability of obtaining such a waiver based on your specific circumstances.

Overall, you've got a challenging road ahead. But remember, one of the keys to navigating these challenges is maintaining a healthy lifestyle and keeping your condition as well-managed as possible. Show evidence of how you cope with your condition and its hindrance in performing tasks – it might significantly help if you ever apply for the waiver.

3 months ago

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