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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is National Honor Society considered an extracurricular?

So I'm filing out my college apps and was wondering, do admissions view National Honor Society as an extracurricular activity, or is it seen more as an academic honor? Not sure where to list it on the Common App. Thanks for helping a stressed junior out!

a year ago

Hello there! Absolutely, National Honor Society (NHS) is considered an extracurricular activity and should be included in your college applications in the activities section. While it's true that NHS membership is bestowed upon students for academic achievement, it also involves a commitment to community service and often requires participation in group projects and activities.

Colleges recognize NHS as both an honor and an extracurricular commitment, reflecting your dedication to scholarship, service, leadership, and character. When you list it, make sure to highlight your active involvement and any leadership roles or projects you undertook. This will help colleges see the full scope of your engagement with NHS, beyond just the academic recognition.

Remember, details can really bring to light the extent of your participation and leadership. Hang in there, you're doing great managing all these application details!

a year ago

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