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Acceptance of GED in Different Military Branches?

Hey folks, does anyone know about which branches of the U.S. military are open to accepting recruits who have a GED instead of a traditional high school diploma? I want to serve, so I'd really appreciate any information you can share!

5 months ago

Absolutely, each branch of the U.S. military does accept recruits with a GED, although there are some nuances to consider:

1. Army: Applicants with a GED are accepted, but they might face a more rigorous process compared to applicants with a traditional high school diploma. The Army has limited quota for GED holders each year, and besides, they may require you to score higher on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) in order to qualify.

2. Navy: The Navy also allows individuals with a GED to enlist. However, like the Army, they set a limited quota for GED holders each year.

3. Air Force: GED holders can enlist, but they must score a minimum of 65 on the AFQT, which is significantly higher than the minimum for diploma holders.

4. Marines: The Marines do accept GEDs, but they strongly prefer high school diplomas. As with the Army and Navy, they have a cap on the number of GED holders they accept each year.

5. Coast Guard: The Coast Guard accepts GEDs but sets a quota. They also require a minimum of 40 college credits.

6. Space Force: As a new branch of the military, the Space Force relies on the Air Force's recruiting and training programs, so their requirements tend to mirror those of the Air Force.

In general, having a GED won't necessarily stop you from joining the military, but it might make the process a bit more challenging. If your goal is to serve, it might be beneficial to score as high as you can on the ASVAB to increase your chances.

5 months ago

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