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Thinking About Training: Which Branch of the Military is Known for its Rigor?

I'm really into pushing myself academically in high school, and now I'm thinking that I want to take that mindset into the future, potentially into the military. Does anyone know which military branch is reputed for having the most rigorous or challenging training?

5 months ago

In terms of physical and mental challenges, the U.S. Marine Corps is often cited as having the most rigorous Basic Training, also known as Boot Camp. The training spans 13 weeks and is a test of physical endurance and mental resilience.

It's important, however, to remember that each branch has its own unique challenges and set of skills that need to be mastered. For example, the U.S. Navy has the Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training, which is considered one of the most mentally and physically demanding military training in the U.S., for those aiming to become Navy Seals.

Similarly, the Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) for the Army's Green Berets and the Pararescue Indoctrination Course for the Air Force's Pararescue Jumpers (PJs) are also notable for their high attrition rates and grueling courses. The newly-formed Space Force, while not as physically strenuous, poses its own set of intellectual challenges, as it requires a highly specialized and technical skill-set.

It's vital to consider not just the rigor, but also the skills and career paths that interest you while making your decision.

5 months ago

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