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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does anyone know anything about Northwestern College in Michigan?

Hey, I'm considering applying to Northwestern College in Michigan but I can't find loads of info. If anyone has any insights about their academic programs, student life, or the overall vibe, it would be super helpful.

5 months ago

I believe there might be some confusion in your question. From my understanding, there isn't a "Northwestern College" in Michigan. There is a Northwestern Michigan College located in Traverse City, Michigan, and there's Northwestern University, which is situated in Evanston, Illinois.

If you meant Northwestern Michigan College, it is a community college known for its two-year associate degrees and professional certificate programs. It's located in the Traverse City area, which is beautiful with a lot of outdoor activities due to its proximity to Lake Michigan.

On the other hand, if you were referring to Northwestern University, this is a highly prestigious institution known for its strong programs in Journalism, Law, Business, and more. It's a member of the Big Ten Conference, so college sports are very much a part of the spirit and culture here.

Could you please provide some clarification on which school you are interested in? This way, we can give you more specific details and insights about the college's academic programs and student life.

5 months ago

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