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MWD Programs in Different Military Branches?

So, I've been interested in the military for quite a while, and lately, the MWD (Military Working Dog) program has caught my eye. I was just wondering which branches of the military actually have this program? Any info is much appreciated!

3 months ago

The MWD (Military Working Dog) program is indeed an interesting and valuable part of the military.

You'll find that all branches of the U.S. military use Military Working Dogs in some capacity. Here, I can list their basic roles:

1. The Army: Uses MWDs mostly for patrol and detection work, such as narcotics and explosives detection.

2. The Air Force: Also uses MWDs mainly for patrol and detection work. Moreover, they are the primary branch for training dogs used by all the branches of the military.

3. The Navy: Primarily employs MWDs for patrolling and detecting explosives, especially in protecting naval bases and investigating suspicious activities.

4. The Marines: Uses MWD teams primarily for finding and clearing explosives.

5. The Coast Guard: Coast Guard MWD teams are deployed mainly for drug and explosive detection duties.

6. The Space Force: Being a relatively new branch and primarily being concerned with space operations, it's less likely that they have a MWD program.

In all these branches, the handler-dog teams are often deployed both domestically and internationally based on the service's requirements. The specific roles and duties can vary quite a bit depending on the individual dogs' training and the branch's demands.

In-depth training and dog handling skills are required to be part of these programs. There might be additional requirements depending on the branch you're interested in. Keep in mind that the training process is intense, usually lasting several weeks, and requires a great deal of physical and mental discipline.

3 months ago

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