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US Coast Guard - Considered as a Military Branch?

Hey guys, I've been considering the USCG as a potential path after high school, but I've seen conflicting information. Is the USCG considered as a branch of the US military? What sort of careers could I expect there if I decide to go that route?

5 months ago

Yes, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) is indeed considered one of the six branches of the U.S. military, sitting alongside the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Space Force. The USCG is unique in that it operates under the Department of Homeland Security in peacetime but can be transferred to the Department of the Navy during times of war, acting under the direct control of the President.

As a member of the Coast Guard, you'd have a wide range of career opportunities, both on and off the water. You could serve on a cutter, at a sector office, or at a small boat station, among other places. You might be involved in maritime law enforcement, search and rescue operations, environmental protection, or navigation services.

You'll find roles across many different disciplines, similar to those in the civilian world, from operations specialists and marine science technicians to avionics electrical technicians and health services technicians. Just like the other branches of military service, it's important to select a career path that will align with your long-term professional goals. For instance, if you're interested in environmental science, you could work in maritime environmental response. If you're more into health services, becoming a health services technician could fit your interests.

In terms of career development, the USCG also offers excellent opportunities for leadership, professional development and advanced training, education benefits, and the potential to travel, similar to the other branches of the military.

One thing to keep in mind is that upon joining the military, including the Coast Guard, there are physical and medical standards that must be met, along with other requirements such as age and education level. You might want to take a look at these prerequisites before deciding on this path to ensure it's the right fit for you. And like all the military branches, service in the Coast Guard involves a commitment of several years, so be sure you're ready to make that dedication.

5 months ago

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