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Military Branches and Water-Related Duties

I've been wondering about if there's a branch of the military that's more uniquely water-involved than the rest. Like they have more assignments or roles that are based around water. Do we have one like that and what kind of things do they handle?

5 months ago

Sure, it sounds like you're referring to the United States Navy! The Navy plays an important and diverse role in maintaining the nation's security. They operate in and on the water to protect the sea lanes of communication, conduct detailed surveillance, and project power over long distances. They operate in every major body of water and have a wide array of responsibilities that include, but are not limited to, strategic deterrence, sea control, power projection, maritime security, and humanitarian assistance/disaster relief.

The Navy has various water-related roles and assignments. These include roles on an air carrier, submarine, or a surface ship; each with specialized job functions such as engineering, medical, aviation, intelligence, and many others. Also, personnel may serve in occupations involving diving missions or even serving as a part of the Naval Special Warfare teams, famously known as Navy SEALs, who conduct special operations on land, sea, and air.

Something to note: Despite their different areas of focus, all military branches engage in duties related to water. For instance, while it's not their exclusive domain, the Marines (who are under the Department of the Navy) and the Coast Guard also have essential duties in and around the water. The Navy undoubtedly has the broadest scope of water-related roles, though, given its fundamental mission and capabilities.

5 months ago

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