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Looking at Colleges in Iowa - Thoughts on Cornell University?

Hey, currently in the midst of my college search. Iowa’s one of the states I'm looking at. What are some opinions or experiences at Cornell University? I'm on the hunt for honest reviews!

a month ago

Cornell College, based in Mount Vernon, Iowa (not to be confused with Cornell University in New York), is a liberal arts college known for its unique "One Course At A Time" academic calendar. Each block lasts 3 1/2 weeks and students take only one class per block. This allows them to immerse themselves fully in a subject without the distraction of juggling multiple classes at once.

The college is quite small, with a tight-knit, supportive community. Of course, that may also mean a smaller range of extracurricular options than you'd find at a larger institution.

On the academic front, Cornell College provides a well-rounded liberal arts education with a robust catalog of majors and minors. Some strong programs there include the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. If you're aiming for pre-professional programs, their pre-med, pre-law and engineering programs are robust.

The campus is described by many as beautiful and the college town of Mount Vernon offers a quaint and charming environment, while cities like Cedar Rapids and Iowa City aren't too far away if you're looking for a livelier scene occasionally.

As with any college, it would be great to visit the campus, if feasible, or even take an online tour, to see if it feels like a place where you could thrive. The "One Course At A Time" format is quite unique, so it's worth thinking thoroughly about whether you'd enjoy and benefit from that style of learning.

a month ago

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