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Is Florida Institute of Technology a Good School?

Hello, I'm a high school junior considering Florida Institute of Technology for my engineering aspirations. I've seen a mix of reviews online but would like an honest student perspective. Has anyone here studied there or knows someone who has? What has been the experience so far?

3 months ago

Responding as a college admissions counselor: Florida Institute of Technology is renowned for its emphasis on STEM disciplines, particularly engineering, so it could be a good fit for your aspirations.

The programs at Florida Tech are rigorous and geared towards equipping students with hands-on experiences. The student-to-faculty ratio is fairly low, which could mean smaller class sizes and potentially more one-on-one time with professors. The smaller size of the school also tends to develop a community feel among students, which some report as enriching to their college experience.

In terms of location, Melbourne, Florida, is an aerospace hub, which provides abundant opportunities for internships and cooperative education experiences, especially for your intended engineering track.

One notably negative aspect mentioned in reviews is the cost of attendance, which is somewhat high. Nevertheless, the institution offers many scholarships that you may be eligible and apply for to offset these costs.

However, like any institution, FIT isn't for everyone. It's essential to consider what's important to you in a college experience: academic rigor, internship opportunities, location, school size, and cost are all significant factors. While FIT might excel in certain areas (like STEM programs), other aspects might be less impressive (like higher tuition costs).

The best way to know for sure if FIT is a good fit for you is to visit the campus if possible, or virtually. You could potentially reach out to current students or recent alumni to ask about their experiences. Student reviews can provide unique insights into campus culture, academic support services, living situations, and other aspects of life at FIT.

3 months ago

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