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From which military branch do most astronauts originate?

Hello everyone! I've always dreamed of becoming an astronaut and I've heard that some military branches have a pathway to NASA. Which branch do most astronauts usually come from? Thanks for the help!

3 months ago

Many astronauts have a background in the U.S. military, but if we're talking about the branch with the highest number of astronauts, it's notably the U.S. Navy. Many astronauts, including some of those who've walked on the moon, come from this branch, largely due to their extensive training in areas directly relevant to space travel, like aviation, engineering, and navigation.

That said, it's not a requirement to be from the military to become an astronaut. NASA selects candidates from a wide variety of backgrounds, including civilian scientists, engineers, and doctors. The most important factors are typically factors like physical health, certain educational qualifications (for example, a degree in a STEM field), and work experience related to space flight.

What's pertinent is how your skills and experiences could be applied to space travel. For instance, pilots have experience with high-pressure environments and operating complex machinery, while scientists and engineers might have advanced knowledge that can aid in research and mission planning.

Remember, though not from a military background, astronauts like Sally Ride, a physicist, and Christa McAuliffe, a teacher, have made significant contributions to space exploration. So, choose your path based on your interests and strengths as you aim for the stars!

3 months ago

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