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Command Standings in the Military - Which Branches have them?

I've been learning about different military structures and was wondering, are there certain U.S. military branches which have a ranking system labelled as 'commanders'? I'm trying to understand more about hierarchy and leadership roles in the services for my future decisions.

3 months ago

Yes, indeed! All U.S. Military branches have a ranking system, although they don't all use the term 'commander' as a rank title. In general, a 'commander' role is often a leadership position that can be held by personnel of different ranks, depending upon the size and type of unit they oversee. The title often designates an individual officer who has legal authority to exercise command authority over a military unit. Here's a brief overview of how each branch incorporates this title:

1. Navy and Coast Guard: In these branches, 'Commander' is a specific rank (O-5), above Lieutenant Commander (O-4) and below Captain (O-6). Additionally, a variety of leadership roles, such as the chief officer onboard a ship, may be referred to as 'the Commander' irrespective of their official rank.

2. Air Force and Space Force: These branches do not have a rank specifically called 'Commander'. However, the term is often used to denote the role of an officer in charge of a unit or base, regardless of their actual rank. For example, an officer (like a Lieutenant Colonel or Colonel) who is in charge of a squadron or a wing could be referred to as 'the Squadron Commander' or 'the Wing Commander'.

3. Army and Marines: Similarly, 'Commander' is not an official rank in these branches. However, the term 'commanding officer' is often used to describe the officer in charge of a company, battalion, regiment, or brigade, which can be a Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, or Colonel, depending on the size and significance of the unit.

So, while not all branches have 'Commander' as an official rank, they all have similar roles that involve the responsibility of commanding troops or overseeing operations. The specifics of this role can vary depending on the unit size, branch norms, and the individual's rank and experience.

3 months ago

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