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The Admission Hurdle - Hardest Universities in Philippines

Hi folks, I'm considering studying abroad and the Philippines is on my list. Which are the hardest universities to get into there?

3 months ago

Several universities in the Philippines are known for their highly competitive application process. Here are some that are considered among the hardest to gain admission:

1. University of the Philippines (UP): UP often tops the list of hardest public universities to get into in the Philippines. It's known for a very difficult entrance exam, dubbed the UPCAT (University of the Philippines College Admission Test).

2. Ateneo de Manila University: This private university is also known for its rigor and its entrance exam, the ACET (Ateneo College Entrance Test).

3. De La Salle University (DLSU): Ranked high in the country for its strong academic offerings, this private university requires applicants to pass the DLSU College Entrance Test.

4. University of Santo Tomas (UST): As the oldest existing university in Asia, it's heralded for its selectiveness. Prospective students take the USTET (University of Santo Tomas Entrance Test).

Each of these universities have a variety of strong programs and are highly renowned both in the Philippines and internationally. Keep in mind entrance exams are only one part of the admission process; universities also look at your previous academic performance, essays, and often consider personal interviews too.

3 months ago

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