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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Hardest college to get into in Georgia?

Hey there, I'm considering my in-state options for college, specifically in Georgia. I've heard that there are some schools that have really low acceptance rates. Anybody know which college in Georgia is the hardest to get accepted into?

3 months ago

In terms of sheer selectivity, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) is generally considered the hardest college to get into in the state of Georgia. With an acceptance rate that has been around 16% in recent years, the competition for admissions at Georgia Tech is intense. Keep in mind, however, that 'difficulty of admission' also significantly depends on the applicant's profile, including academic performance, test scores (if submitting), recommendations (optional), essays, and extracurricular involvement.

Georgia Tech is known for its rigorous programs in engineering, computer science, and related STEM fields. Hence, if you're interested in these areas and your academic profile aligns well with these programs, it might be a good fit for you. Just remember, while acceptance rates can give you a sense of how competitive admissions are, they are not necessarily the only or best measure of a college's quality or fit for a particular student. It's important to consider factors such as the academic programs, campus culture, location, financial aid, and student support services while evaluating colleges.

3 months ago

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