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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Challenging University of Delaware Courses?

Hey there, I'm actively looking into the University of Delaware and I've heard that some classes there are really tough. Can anyone provide any info on what the hardest classes at this university might be? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

3 months ago

Well, the difficulty of classes at the University of Delaware can significantly vary based on a number of factors including individual interests, academic strengths, and the professor teaching the course. However, there are some classes that overall have reputation of being challenging.

1. General Chemistry, from the Chemistry department has been cited by students due to its in-depth theoretical content and complex lab work. It demands a solid understanding of the subject and is heavy on memorization.

2. Fundamentals of Physics I is another class often referred to as challenging. This class is calculus-based and explores topics such as mechanics, thermodynamics, and waves. Most students find the workload to be quite high and the concepts to be abstract.

3. Human Physiology, under the biological science department, is known for being information-dense with comprehensive exams that require detailed knowledge of the material.

4. Principles of Finance from the business administration field, has earned its challenging reputation partly due to the technical nature of the topics covered, such as corporate investment decisions and bond and equity valuation.

Remember, these ratings are anecdotal and subjective as what one person considers difficult, another person may find easy. It largely depends on your background, aptitude, interest and how much effort you're willing to put into the class.

Lastly, don't let the rumors scare you away! Classes that are challenging often end up being the most rewarding. Plus, all universities have resources like tutoring centers, office hours with professors, and study groups to help students succeed. Good luck with your studies!

3 months ago

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