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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Florida Polytechnic University in Lakeland, Florida: Any Experiences?

Hey guys! I'm currently a junior, and I was considering applying to the Florida Polytechnic University, Lakeland, Florida. Individuals who have attended or are familiar with the place, how would you describe the learning environment there? What are the pros and cons?

3 months ago

Based on my understanding, Florida Polytechnic University is quite a small but growing institution, specialized in tech-focused disciplines like engineering and computer science.


1. One of the benefits of attending a smaller, focused university like Florida Polytechnic is the more personalized learning experience. Each class has fewer students, so you get more direct access to faculty, which can be a huge advantage.

2. Many students appreciate the active collaboration among students, staff, and faculty within the University. This co-operation fosters a community where everyone is committed to supporting one another.

3. Florida Polytechnic's futuristic Innovation, Science, and Technology (IST) Building is a significant highlight. It's a state-of-the-art facility that provides advanced tools and equipment.


1. Being a newer and relatively small institution, its notoriety may not be as expansive as ältere or larger colleges. This could potentially impact recognition or opportunities after graduation.

2. The university has a very focused program offering, so if you're unsure about pursuing technology or engineering, there are fewer alternatives to switch to compared to larger, more traditional universities.

3. Some students have mentioned that given its location, there may be limited off-campus amenities or activities. This might affect you if you're looking for a lively city-based college experience.

Please also make sure to check out more about their curricula, faculty, alumni network, and their placement rates to get a comprehensive understanding.

3 months ago

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