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Space Travel in Military: Which Branch Handles It?

I've always been fascinated by space exploration and recently learned that one of the military branches might in fact be linked to space travel. So, which branch of the military handles space travel? I'm hoping this could be a cool avenue for me post-graduation.

3 months ago

Yes, there is indeed a branch of the United States military dedicated to matters related to space. It's called the United States Space Force. The Space Force was established as the sixth branch of the U.S. Armed Forces in 2019, under the Department of the Air Force.

The role of the Space Force is comprehensive and covers a broad range of responsibilities related to the nation's interests in space. Some of its primary tasks include organizing, training, and equipping space forces; monitoring and tracking space debris (which could potentially harm satellites); observing ballistic missile launches; and maintaining the satellites which serve crucial roles in communication and other operations across all branches of the military.

If you're interested in space and the military, joining the Space Force could potentially be a great option. After high school, you can explore joining the Space Force as an enlisted member or attend college with a plan to become an officer. There can be scholarships for students who commit to serving after they graduate.

Keep in mind that the path to join the Space Force is competitive and rigorous, and similar to other branches of the military, there are physical, ethical, and academic standards that must be met. But if you're passionate about both space exploration and serving your country, it could be a rewarding career choice.

3 months ago

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