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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Family Friendly Military Branch?

Yo folks! I'm thinking about doing something a bit different after high school - considering joining the military. But, I have a really close-knit family and want to make sure I pick a branch that's known for being family-friendly. Anybody know which branches are known for this? I'm interested in a branch that takes care of its people and values family time. Thanks for the help, it's a big decision and I appreciate the advice!

5 months ago

Hello! It's good to know that you're considering your family in your decision, that's really important. Each branch of the military has benefits and programs aimed at supporting service members and their families, but the Air Force and the Coast Guard have traditionally been noted for their family-focused approach. Here's why:

1. The Air Force has a reputation for offering a better quality of life — including housing, education, and recreational opportunities — compared to the other branches. They also tend to have longer times in between deployments, which can result in more time with family.

2. The Coast Guard, being the smallest branch of the military, tends to have a strong emphasis on work-life balance and community. Given its mission of homeland security and maritime law enforcement, many of their assignments are stateside, which might mean less time away from family.

However, it's key to note that experiences can vary significantly depending on the specific job within the branch, location, and changing military needs. If possible, it might be beneficial to speak to people who are currently serving or have served in the branches you're considering, to get a firsthand account of their experiences.

These two branches might be a good starting point, but ultimately, the best branch for you depends on your career goals, interests, and personal values too. Good luck with your decision!

5 months ago

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