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Duke University


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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Info on Bradley University?

I'm seriously considering Bradley University, mainly because it's in Peoria, Illinois (super close to home). But, I'd love to hear any experiences or nuances about the university that I might not find on their website. Can you share anything?

5 months ago

Bradley University is often known for its nurturing environment and commitment to student-centric learning, so it's a great pick if you value close-knit relationships and hands-on experiences. With a relatively small student body (approximately 5,400 undergraduates), you can expect a low student-faculty ratio. This directly translates to smaller class sizes and more individualized attention from professors. Hearing from former and current students, many often appreciate the invested faculty and the opportunities to engage in research or creative projects.

Despite its size, Bradley offers a broad range of majors, with strong programs in Engineering, Business, Health Professions, and Communications. For instance, their Engineering department's senior capstone projects often involve real-world implementation, and have received widespread accolades.

Beyond academics, Bradley also has a vibrant campus life. Numerous student-led organizations cater to various interests and Bradley has an active Greek Life. Being right in the heart of Peoria, you'll also have access to a lively cultural scene, a variety of dining, shopping, and recreational options.

But remember, as with any university or college, it's essential to visit the campus (if possible), interact with current students, and attend information sessions to get a genuine feel for the environment and whether you might fit in. Doing so can help in visualizing your undergraduate journey at Bradley better.

Finally, don’t forget to consider the financial aspects. Bradley University does offer merit scholarships and need-based aid, so explore those opportunities as part of your decision-making process.

Overall, it's a school that offers an intimate, supportive environment with diverse opportunities, all within your hometown, which seems to be a win-win! Good luck with your college decision process!

5 months ago

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