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Eastern Maine Community College Admissions Process?

Hey all, just feeling a little overwhelmed. Anyone know how the admissions process at Eastern Maine Community College works? I can't seem to find enough specific info online.

5 months ago

Sure, I understand that the admissions process can feel overwhelming, but here's a basic rundown of what you'll need to do to apply to Eastern Maine Community College (EMCC).

1. Application: You'll need to begin by filling out an application for admission. This form is available online on the EMCC website. Ensure you fill out all personal details accurately and list down your educational history.

2. High School Transcript or GED: The college will require proof of your high school education. You’ll need to have your official high school transcripts or GED scores sent to Eastern Maine Community College.

3. Placement Testing: After receiving your application, EMCC may require you to take a placement test. The placement test is usually used to assess your knowledge in Mathematics and English, helping the college determine the most appropriate classes for you to start. In some cases, you might be exempt from this testing if you have sufficient SAT or ACT scores.

4. Financial Aid: If you're planning to apply for financial aid, you should submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible. Eastern Maine Community College's FAFSA school code is 005277.

5. Immunization Records: Maine law requires proof of immunization or immunity to measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, and tetanus. Students must submit appropriate health forms.

6. Course Registration: After being admitted, you'll be requested to register for classes. Usually, this involves meeting with an advisor to discuss your course selections.

Remember, you can always contact the EMCC Admissions Office directly if you have specific questions about your situation or need additional information.

Best of luck with your application!

5 months ago

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