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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are the hardest colleges to get into in America?

Hi everyone, I'm in the process of crafting a balanced college list. Could any of you share which colleges are the toughest to get accepted into in America?

5 months ago

Certainly! There are many factors that can make a college difficult to gain acceptance to, but one of the most straightforward indicators is its acceptance rate. Here's a list of some of the most selective colleges in America, based on the lowest acceptance rates:

1. Stanford University: Hovering around 3.5%, Stanford often has one of the lowest acceptance rates of all universities in America.

2. Harvard University: Acceptance rates vary each year, but they typically fall around 3%, making this Ivy League school extremely competitive.

3. Columbia University: In New York City, Columbia's acceptance rate is usually a little around 3%.

4. Princeton University: Another Ivy League institution, Princeton's acceptance rate is typically close to that of Columbia's.

5. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): As one of the top STEM-focused universities in the world, MIT has an acceptance rate around 3.9%.

6. Yale University: This Ivy League school also boasts a low acceptance rate, typically below 4.5%.

7. California Institute of Technology (Caltech): Much like MIT, Caltech is a highly sought-after university for those interested in STEM, and it has an acceptance rate below 3%.

8. University of Chicago: Known for its intense academic rigors, UChicago's acceptance rate varies but typically resides around 4.7%.

However, it's also important to understand that these low acceptance rates are not solely reflective of a college's quality or the potential for a great education. There exist many outstanding colleges and universities around the country (and world) with higher acceptance rates that can provide you with excellent opportunities, depending on your specific goals and interests. When choosing which colleges to apply to, consider factors such as academic programs, campus culture, location, size, and financial aid opportunities, in addition to selectivity.

5 months ago

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