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Hard colleges to earn high grades in?

I heard people saying there are some colleges which grade pretty harshly. I am curious, which colleges are in this list according to your experiences or thoughts? I want to be prepared if I aim to apply to one of these places.

3 months ago

There are quite a few universities that are known for their rigorous grading standards and curricula. Here are a couple examples:

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): Known for its strong emphasis on STEM subjects, MIT is notably rigorous. The school’s grading system can be tough, and many students describe a high-achieving environment.

2. Princeton University: While Princeton has somewhat eased its grading policies in recent years, it's historically been known for grade deflation policies, especially compared to its Ivy League counterparts.

3. University of California, Berkeley: UC Berkeley is known to have demanding grading policies, particularly within its engineering and computer science departments.

4. Swarthmore College: A small liberal arts college near Philadelphia, Swarthmore is known for a challenging academic environment with rigorous grading.

5. Harvey Mudd College: Located in Claremont, California, Harvey Mudd is a top-ranking STEM-focused liberal arts college that is known for its demanding workload and rigorous grading policies.

However, remember that a school's grading rigor should not deter you from applying if it has programs you're interested in. Learning in a challenging environment can help prepare you for graduate school or a career. It's also important to keep in mind that post-graduate institutions and employers are often aware of these rigorous grading policies and take them into account when considering students from these schools.

3 months ago

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