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How Do I Navigate Financial Aid at University of the Cumberlands?

Hey everyone, I'm currently a rising junior and considering applying to the University of the Cumberlands. I know that financial aid is a big part of making my decision. Has anyone gone through their financial aid process? Could use some info on what it entails and how beneficial it is. Thanks!

3 months ago

First things first, congratulations on considering your options and making financial considerations a priority in your college search!

Applying for financial aid at the University of the Cumberlands works generally the same way as other U.S. institutions. The majority of students at the University of Cumberlands receive some form of financial aid, so you're in good company!

Here are some steps to help you navigate the process:

- Complete the FAFSA: Your first step will be to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon as possible after it becomes available on October 1. The school code for University of the Cumberlands is 001980. This determines your eligibility for federal and state aid. Remember to include your parent's financial information unless you are considered an independent student.

- Submit Additional Documents: In some cases, you might be selected for verification by the federal processor or the school. Don't fret, this is a common process. They do this to ensure that the information provided on the FAFSA is accurate. If this happens, you'll need to submit additional forms requested by the University's financial aid office.

- Review Your Aid Package: Once all your documents are in, the financial aid office will put together an aid package covering federal, state and institutional aid, including loans, grants, work-study, and perhaps scholarships. They leverage a combination of need-based and merit-based aid, so it could be quite comprehensive.

Keep an open line of communication with the financial aid office if you have any specific questions or issues related to your financial circumstances. They are there to help you navigate through the process.

Also, be realistic about your financial aid expectations. The school provides 96% of the students some financial assistance. Remember, every university's financial aid process can be a bit different, so it's always best to check with the financial aid office or the university's website for specific details.

Good luck on your journey!

3 months ago

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