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SAT: 720 math
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Which military branch consists of the Merchant Marines?

Hey there, I've been hearing a lot about the Merchant Marines, but I'm a bit confused about which part of the U.S. military they fall under. Could anyone help me understand where they fit into the structure of the Armed Forces?

3 months ago

The U.S. Merchant Marine isn't technically a branch of the U.S military, but it plays a crucial support role during times of war or national emergencies. It primarily consists of privately-owned, U.S.-registered merchant vessels and their civilian crews. However, Merchant Marines are considered a part of the military in times of war, under the purview of the Department of Defense, and may be called upon to deliver troops and supplies for the armed forces. So, to answer your question, the Merchant Marine isn't nestled under any particular branch like the Army or the Navy, but it operates in a unique support capacity.

3 months ago

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