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Which branch is the US National Guard associated with?

Hi, all. I was thinking about various routes after graduation and got curious about the US National Guard. Can someone clarify what branch they are a part of? Any details would really help me to weigh my options.

3 months ago

The United States National Guard is a unique component of the U.S. military because it serves both community and country. It's associated with two branches - the Army and the Air Force. This means there are actually two distinct National Guard entities, each with its own roles:

1. The Army National Guard (ARNG), which is a reserve component of the United States Army.

2. The Air National Guard (ANG), which is a reserve component of the United States Air Force.

So when you refer to the 'National Guard,' it's important to specify whether you mean the Army National Guard or the Air National Guard as the training, mission, and responsibilities can vary significantly between the two entities. The National Guard units can be mobilized for federal active duty service during times of war or national emergency, but they're primarily under the jurisdiction of their respective states and territories for the bulk of their duties (e.g., responding to natural disasters or civil unrest). Keep in mind, National Guard service includes both part-time and full-time opportunities, depending on your personal goals and commitments.

Both the Army National Guard and Air National Guard offer numerous benefits such as tuition assistance, job training, and the opportunity to serve your community and country. It might be a good idea to reach out to local National Guard recruiting offices for more personalized information to help in your decision-making process.

3 months ago

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