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Opportunities for Paramedics in the Military?

Hi all. I've been thinking about being a paramedic after high school and was wondering, what can paramedics do in different branches of the military? Any insights would be much appreciated!

3 months ago

Sure, happy to provide some insights!

In the military, combat medics are roughly equivalent to civilian paramedics. They're the first responders to provide medical treatment in various types of emergencies.

In the Army, you might look into becoming a Health Care Specialist or 68W (68 Whiskey), the primary medical experts in the Army. Their responsibilities resemble those of other paramedics, with the added challenge of working in combat environments.

Similarly, the Navy has Hospital Corpsman, or HM, who work in a wide range of capacities and environments, from administering simple bedside care to assisting in major surgeries, aboard a ship, within the special operations community, or at a health clinic.

The Air Force has a similar role known as the Aerospace Medical Service. Here, you would not only be a first responder, but you could also have the opportunity to work in various environments like hospitals, clinics, or even aeromedical evacuation units.

The Marines draws their medical personnel from the Navy, so Marines would work with Navy Hospital Corpsmen.

Lastly, the Coast Guard doesn't have its own medical specialists and relies on the U.S. Public Health Service for medical and dental officers, and "Health Services Technicians" who work in the Coast Guard.

While Space Force is the newest military branch, it hasn't established its own medical service and currently relies on the U.S. Air Force for medical support.

Keep in mind these are brief overviews, and specific roles and opportunities can vary within each branch. It can be beneficial to get in contact with recruiters for the respective branches to understand in more detail what each role entails and how your skills as a paramedic will fit in. Furthermore, joining the military also entails commitment apart from your medical duties, which should be factored into your decision-making.

3 months ago

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