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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do honors classes really make a big difference?

Hey everyone, just curious how much weight do honors classes hold in the admissions process? Like, will taking a bunch of them give me a significant edge because I'm aiming for some competitive schools? And is the GPA boost substantial enough to take on the extra stress?

11 months ago

Absolutely, honors classes can make a substantial difference in the admissions process, particularly for competitive schools. These courses show that you're challenging yourself academically beyond the standard curriculum, which is something admissions officers look for. However, balance is key. You should aim to excel in these courses, not just take them for the GPA boost because a lower grade in an honors class may negate the benefit of the weighted GPA. For example, if you're interested in science and aim to pursue that in college, taking honors classes in biology or chemistry would be looked upon favorably. If competitive schools are your goal, they're looking for students who push themselves and succeed in rigorous courses. Of course, overall well-being is very important, so don't overload yourself to the point of significant stress. Aim for a challenging, but manageable course load that allows you to perform well.

11 months ago

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