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Is dual enrollment valued by academically rigorous colleges?

Hello! I'm considering dual enrollment but I'm not sure if it'll actually benefit me in my pursuit of getting into more competitive colleges. Do the more academically stringent colleges see dual enrollment as a plus or is it largely ignored in the application review process?

3 months ago

Dual enrollment can indeed be valued by academically rigorous colleges. When a student participates in dual enrollment, they're proving that they can manage and succeed in college-level coursework while still in high school. This demonstration of academic rigor and challenge can be a favorable sign to more selective colleges.

However, it's important to consider the quality of the courses you're taking as well. While being dual-enrolled in community college may show that you're capable of handling college-level work, admissions officers at selective schools might not view those classes as being on the same level as AP or IB courses. The perceived rigor of each type of class can vary depending on the selectivity of the college you're applying to.

Here's an example: if you have the choice between taking an AP course at your high school or a similar course at your local community college, you might want to consider taking the AP course if you're aiming to apply to highly selective schools. This is because AP courses often align more directly with the expectations at top-tier institutions, whereas community college courses might not be as rigorously challenging.

Finally, keep in mind the specific requirements or preferences of the colleges you're interested in. Some colleges may prefer AP or IB courses over dual enrollment, while others may not have a preference as long as you're demonstrating a strong academic commitment. As always, it can be helpful to reach out to the admissions office of the college directly to learn more about their specific stance on dual enrollment.

3 months ago

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