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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can I take community college classes as a high school student for free?

Hey, guys! I heard somewhere that high school students can enroll in community college classes without paying. Is that true? I'm trying to get some extra credits and maybe learn something new that my school doesn't offer. How does that work, and are there any specific requirements or limitations I should know about?

11 months ago

Hi there! Yes, it's often true that high school students can take community college courses for free—or at least at a reduced cost—through dual enrollment programs. These programs allow you to gain college credits while still in high school.

Requirements may vary depending on your state and the specific community college. You would typically need to be a junior or senior in high school and have a certain GPA to be eligible. Some programs may require a recommendation from a teacher or counselor as well.

Limitations to be aware of could include the number of credits you’re allowed to take per semester and the types of courses available to you (some might be reserved for actual college students). Check with your local community colleges and speak with your high school guidance counselor to explore your options. They’ll be able to provide you with the specific steps you need to take to enroll and any deadlines you have to meet.

Dual enrollment is a great way to challenge yourself academically and get a head start on your college education—well done taking initiative!

11 months ago

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