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What's the most challenging junior college to be accepted into in the US?

Hey all, currently weighing my post-graduation options, and I'm considering the junior college route. I'd love to aim high, so out of curiosity, which are the most competitive junior colleges in America?

5 months ago

One of the most competitive junior colleges in the U.S. with a lower acceptance rate is the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. It has a selective admissions process, with an acceptance rate that often hovers around 55%, making it a unique challenge for a 2-year college.

Another competitive community college is De Anza College in California. It's known for its strong outcomes in terms of transfer rates to four-year institutions, especially to University of California campuses. This popularity and success rate can make it more difficult to gain admission.

Deep Springs College in California is another example. Although it's extremely small, it's very competitive due to its distinctive program - students work on the school's ranch or farm (in addition to their studies) and attendance is effectively free for those admitted. However, be aware that its unique model won't be a good fit for everyone.

Keep in mind that applying to a less selective college does not mean you're getting a lesser education. Many community colleges have strong partnerships with local four-year institutions, and can be an economical way to complete your general education requirements before transferring to continue your studies. It's always best to choose a college that fits your academic and personal goals rather than solely aiming for the most competitive option.

5 months ago

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