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Is taking a welding class worth it for college applications?

Has anyone here taken a welding class in high school? I'm interested in engineering and I'm thinking it could be a unique skill to have, but I'm not sure if it's considered 'academic' enough for college apps. Thoughts?

11 months ago

It's wonderful to hear that you're considering a welding class, especially with your interest in engineering! Colleges often look for students who are engaged in pursuits that align with their intended major, and practical skills like welding can indeed strengthen your application. It's a testament to your eagerness to understand the physical and practical side of the engineering field, beyond textbook knowledge.

While welding may not fall into the traditional 'academic' category, it showcases your hands-on approach and ability to apply engineering concepts in real-world scenarios. For example, if you're aiming for a mechanical engineering program, your welding experience could make your application stand out as it demonstrates both skill and experience with materials and fabrication methods.

Just ensure that you're also taking the necessary rigorous math and science courses that engineering programs look for. Remember, the most important factor is how you integrate this experience into your overall narrative. If you manage to reflect on how welding has enriched your understanding of engineering and how it will help you contribute to your college community, it can truly make a difference.

Best of luck with your welding class, if you do decide to take it!

11 months ago

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