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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Seeking Info: Toughest College to Get into in the US?

Stressed out junior here! Just out of curiosity, what is currently considered the absolute hardest college to get into in the entire United States?

a month ago

The answer to your question depends somewhat on how you're defining "hardest college to get into," but one common way to measure this is by acceptance rate, i.e., the percentage of applicants who are admitted.

Let's look at the most recent data. As of the last admission cycle, CalTech holds the title for the lowest acceptance rate in the U.S. at around 2.7%. Harvard University isn't far behind, with an acceptance rate of around 3.4%.

It's important to remember, though, that these numbers can be misleading. Every college has its own specific standards and values for admission. Some might value academic prowess, while others might put more weight on a student's demonstrated impact in their community or on their leadership potential. Each school has a unique approach to reviewing applications.

You might also find that some schools have a much lower acceptance rate for certain highly competitive programs. For example, while overall acceptance at a school might be above 10%, certain popular majors or departments could have acceptance rates that are much lower.

Remember, don't judge a school solely by its acceptance rate. It's important to consider numerous other factors like location, educational programs, campus culture, and extracurricular opportunities. Seek out schools where you think you'll fit in and thrive, and don't be discouraged by low acceptance rates. Every year, thousands of students are accepted at these highly selective colleges, and you could be too with the right preparation and application. Good luck!

a month ago

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