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Is economics a must-have class for high school?

Hey everyone, I’m trying to plan out my schedule for senior year and I’m a bit on the fence. I've got a pretty packed list with APs and stuff, but I’m wondering if taking economics is almost like an unofficial requirement? Do colleges expect you to have taken it or is it okay to skip if it's not directly related to what I want to major in? Any input would be great!

11 months ago

Hi there! It's great that you're thinking ahead about your senior year schedule. While economics is a valuable class that can provide a solid understanding of financial literacy and basic economic principles, it's definitely not an unofficial requirement for high school students. Colleges typically look for a strong academic record with a focus on the five core subjects – English, math, science, social studies, and foreign language. How they weigh any electives beyond those areas depends on what your particular academic interests are, as you suspects.

If economics fits into your schedule without overloading you and relates to your potential college majors or career interests, it can certainly be a beneficial addition. However, if taking it causes you to miss out on another class that is more aligned with your interests or necessary for graduation, it's okay to skip it. The most important thing is to maintain a well-rounded and challenging course load that aligns with your interests and college goals.

If you have further concerns, I encourage you to discuss your options with your guidance counselor, as they can give you personalized advice based on your academic record and post-high school plans! Good luck with your course selection!

11 months ago

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