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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What do you guys think are some of the toughest aspects of college?

Hi all, as a high school junior about to embark on this whole college adventure, I'm curious—what are some of the hardest aspects of college that I should prepare myself for?

a month ago

Response: Great question! Navigating the transition to college life definitely has its challenges, but it's a journey that leads to immense personal and professional growth as well.

1. Increased Academic Expectations: College courses tend to be more rigorous than high school ones. Professors expect strong critical thinking skills, the ability to synthesize information from different sources, and a certain level of subject knowledge. Staying on top of coursework and studying for exams can be a significant adjustment.

2. Self-management: Unlike high school, where your schedule is most likely regulated, college students usually have much more flexibility. This freedom can sometimes lead to poor time management and procrastination. From organizing your schedule, managing assignments, and learning when to take breaks, self-management is key.

3. Financial Management: You also may need to manage your own finances for the first time, which includes budgeting your spending, opening a bank account, or even handling student loans.

4. Social adjustments: You're likely to be living away from home for the first time, which means making new friends, living with roommates, and navigating the dynamics of the college social scene, which can sometimes be overwhelming.

5. Mental Health: The stress of adjusting to college life can take a toll on your mental health. It's important to be aware of this and seek help if necessary.

6. Career Planning: Entering college might be the first time you seriously think about your career. Choosing a major, thinking about internships, and even preliminary job hunting can seem daunting.

To prepare for these challenges, it helps to develop good study habits, learn effective time management skills, and be open to seeking help when needed, whether that's academic support or counseling. Remember, it's okay to face hurdles and it's okay to ask for help. Everyone's college journey is unique and full of learning experiences!

a month ago

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