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Do snipers belong to a specific branch of the military?

Hello, I am considering a career path in the military and was intrigued by the role of the sniper. Is there a branch of the military where snipers usually belong? Any insights would be helpful.

3 months ago

Snipers can be found throughout several branches of the U.S. military, including the Army, Marines, and Special Forces. Each branch employs snipers and has its own special training courses to shape them into skilled marksmen.

In the Army, sharpshooters can complete the Sniper School where they're trained to deliver long-range precision fire. Similarly, Marine Corps has its own Scout Sniper Basic Course to train their expert marksmen.

In addition to these conventional forces, snipers play a vital role within Special Operations Forces such as the Army's Green Berets or the Navy SEALS. Do note that the pathway to become a sniper in these specialized units is extremely competitive and physically demanding.

Where you would best fit would depend on various factors such as your individual interests, physical aptitude, and long term career goals. Recruiters from each branch can offer more detailed advice on the specific requirements and steps to take if you're interested in becoming a sniper.

3 months ago

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