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Is Scripps College Campus Nice?

Hey, I'm considering applying to Scripps College and was wondering if anyone can provide insights about the campus. What is it like? I've seen pictures and it looks beautiful but, are the facilities good, is it located near main city, Campus atmosphere? Would appreciate any tips or info!

5 months ago

Absolutely, happy to provide some insights! Scripps College is often noted for its beautiful campus. It's located in Claremont, California, which is a small, quaint town. Despite this, you'll get plenty of activities and amenities in the area. The campus is part of the Claremont Colleges Consortium, meaning students have access to facilities and resources from the other four colleges (Pomona, Claremont McKenna, Harvey Mudd, and Pitzer) in the consortium.

In terms of aesthetics, Scripps features Spanish Colonial Revival architecture with white stucco walls and red tile roofs, surrounded by lush gardens and courtyards. The campus gives off a tranquil and serene feeling. It's also home to a renowned rose garden, which is a favorite spot for many students to hang out. The layout is quite compact, so it's easy to walk from one class to another.

Academic facilities like classrooms and labs are modern and well-equipped, as one would expect from a top-tier liberal arts institution. The Honnold/Mudd Library shared by the consortium colleges is one of the largest private academic libraries in the state.

In terms of residential living, Scripps provides on-campus housing for all four years, and the residence halls are often praised for their comfort and charm. Each has its own unique style while maintaining the overall aesthetic of the college.

The city of Claremont has lots to offer for off-campus excursions: it is filled with small shops, cafes, and a farmer's market. If you’re looking for a more urban vibe, Los Angeles is accessible by train and is less than an hour's ride away.

As for campus culture, students often describe the atmosphere as inclusive, supportive, and academically rigorous. The strong sense of community is palpable. Plus, with the consortium, you have the option to interact with a larger and more diverse community.

In summary, if you're looking for an academically rigorous, supportive environment with a beautiful campus that balances small-town charm with access to a vibrant urban setting, Scripps College could be a great fit!

5 months ago

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