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Need help with Stonehill College

Does anyone here have any experience with Stonehill College? Looking for some insight into the place, especially student life, academic quality, and popular majors.

3 months ago

Stonehill College, located in Easton, Massachusetts, is known for its 375-acre campus, small class sizes, personalized attention from faculty, and a strong sense of community.

When it comes to student life, Stonehill has plenty to offer. With more than 90 student-run clubs and organizations from student government to special interest clubs, there's something to suit pretty much everyone's interests. The college also has a strong Division II athletics program, so if you're into sports, whether participating or just watching, there's a lot of school spirit.

Academically, Stonehill is known for its strong liberal arts program. The student-to-faculty ratio is 11:1, meaning classes are relatively small, and professors are easily accessible to students. This is particularly beneficial for students who enjoy a more intimate, discussion-oriented classroom setting.

As for popular majors, the Business Administration and Management program is one of the most popular. Other students are also drawn to programs in the health professions, such as Healthcare Administration, and Social Sciences like Criminology. The college also has strong programs within the humanities, science, and education fields.

Speaking of academic quality, Stonehill College has been listed as a top tier "Regional University" by U.S. News & World Report and is often recognized for its commitment to service and sustainability.

Of course, everyone's experience is unique, so you may want to reach out to current students or alumni through the college's official channels for more specific perspectives. Also consider doing a virtual or in-person campus visit if you can. This will give you a firsthand look at the campus, facilities, and potentially a chance to interact with current students and faculty. This can usually be arranged through the admissions office.

I hope this information helps you gain a better understanding of what life is like at Stonehill College!

3 months ago

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