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How can I navigate SUNY Brockport financial aid process?

I've been accepted into SUNY Brockport (yay!). But now I need to figure out the financials. Does anyone know how their financial aid process works or have any tips to share for navigating it? I'd appreciate all the help I can get!

3 months ago

Congratulations on your acceptance to SUNY Brockport! The financial aid process can seem daunting, but understanding how it works can help alleviate some of that stress. It’s organized into several steps.

Set up your NetID: This is the first step to accessing Brockport's technology services, which includes the student portal. Here's where you'll receive email communication from the college about your financial aid offers and other things related to your student account.

Complete the FAFSA: If you haven't done so already, you should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA determines your eligibility for federal aid, including Pell Grants, student loans, and work-study programs. The code for SUNY Brockport is 002841.

Review your award letter: Once your FAFSA is processed, you'll receive your financial aid award letter through your Brockport student account. This letter outlines all the grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study you're eligible for. It's important to review this carefully to understand your aid package.

Accept or decline aid: After reviewing your award letter, you can accept or decline the financial aid offers. This is done through your Brockport student account. Keep in mind, if you choose to take out loans, you'll need to complete entrance counseling and sign a Master Promissory Note.

Investigate additional financing options: If the financial aid package doesn't fully cover your costs, look into alternative options. This can include additional loans, tuition payment plans offered by the school, or seeking out external scholarships.

Maintain eligibility: To keep receiving your financial aid, there are certain requirements like making satisfactory academic progress and reapplying for the FAFSA each year.

If any point during this process you're unsure or have questions, don't hesitate to contact the SUNY Brockport Financial Aid Office. They are there to assist you! Additionally, there are financial aid counselors available to guide you through the process.

Also, remember to keep track of any deadlines so you get your aid in time for the start of school. Good luck!

3 months ago

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