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Best NYC Business Schools?

New York City... big dreams, right? I'm looking for the best colleges for business in NYC. Who tops the list, in your opinion?

3 months ago

There are several esteemed colleges located right within New York City that offer excellent business programs. Here are a few of the top-ranked ones:

1. Columbia University: Columbia's Business School is one of the best in the nation. It offers a strong curriculum coupled with real-world learning experiences. Students often get firsthand exposure to Wall Street and the global business community, a unique advantage of studying in NYC.

2. New York University (NYU): The Stern School of Business at NYU is renowned for its strong undergraduate business program. Stern has a unique global perspective and offers remarkable experiential learning opportunities.

3. Fordham University: The Gabelli School of Business at Fordham has strong undergraduate and graduate business programs. Gabelli integrates business education with liberal arts, and its location provides numerous opportunities for internships and networking.

4. Baruch College, CUNY: Baruch's Zicklin School of Business is a highly affordable option offering a wide variety of concentrations and a strong curriculum. Given its location, it provides great networking and internship opportunities.

5. Pace University: The Lubin School of Business at Pace offers a business education featuring practical, career-oriented programs. It is well known for its co-op program that provides an integrated experiential learning opportunity.

Remember to investigate each program to see which one aligns best with your career goals. You might want to consider factors like the strength of the school in your specific area of interest, the courses offered, the connections to internships or job opportunities, and the alumni network. Remember, your education is not only about the prestige of the school but also about how well it prepares you for your future career.

3 months ago

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