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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Insights into Twin Cities campus?

Hey guys, I'm considering the Twin Cities campus for pursuing my undergraduate degree. Anyone here with any details around the campus life, academics, and overall environment? Would really appreciate it!

3 months ago

The University of Minnesota, Twin Cities is a stellar institution with a lot to offer students. Its setting in an urban location gives students access to numerous opportunities for internships, cultural experiences, and recreational activities. The Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul) are bustling with activities, whether it's museums, parks, coffee shops, concerts, or sports events.

Academic rigor is high with a wide variety of majors. Engineering, nursing, and business are among the acclaimed programs. The university also has strong research facilities, so if you're into research, you'd find 'U of M' to be an ideal place. Faculty members are usually highly knowledgeable and experienced in their respective fields, and classes can be challenging but rewarding.

The campus life is vibrant and engaging. With more than 800 clubs and organizations, you're bound to find something that matches your interests. There's something happening on campus almost all the time from sporting events, guest lectures, cultural nights, etc.

As far as the overall environment is concerned, it's quite diverse. The student body is made up of individuals from various backgrounds, countries, races, and religions, which adds to the multicultural fabric of the campus.

The one thing to keep in mind is that Minnesota winters can be extremely cold and long, so if you're coming from a warm climate, brace yourself for the weather change.

Remember, the best way to know if a campus is right for you is by visiting or virtually touring it. See if you can connect with current students or alumni to get a first-hand account of their experiences. Good luck as you consider this important decision.

3 months ago

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