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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Can Anyone Review University of Denver?

As the deadline approaches, I'm feeling a bit stressed about making the right decision. I've got the University of Denver on my list, but I'm struggling to find real student reviews. Can anyone share their experiences or knowledge about this university?

3 months ago

Certainly, let's delve into some aspects about the University of Denver (DU) that might help you with your decision.

Known for its strong focus on experiential learning and interdisciplinary studies, DU offers students a unique blend of academic rigor and practical application. With a low student-to-faculty ratio of 11:1, students typically enjoy small class sizes that allow for meaningful interaction with professors and fellow students.

Another highlight of DU is its robust study abroad program which is recognized as one of the country's best, with over 70% of students participating in some form of overseas study before they graduate. This could be an enriching opportunity if you're interested in gaining international exposure during your time in college.

DU also has a strong commitment to community engagement, with numerous service learning opportunities available. Additionally, the university's location in Denver means that students have access to a vibrant city with plenty of outdoor activities, cultural attractions, and a growing job market.

In terms of student life, DU has over 100 student clubs and organizations, offering a balanced academic-social environment. Whether you're into sports, arts, sciences or service initiatives, there's likely a group for you.

As with any university, how well DU aligns with your interests and goals is what really matters. To get a better sense of student life and the academic environment at DU, try reaching out to current students or alumni through the university's admissions office or social media platforms.

Finally, remember that no college decision is final, and it's always possible to transfer if you find that your chosen school isn't a good fit. It can indeed be stressful to choose a college, but try to keep in mind that a lot can be learned from any college experience. I hope this helps!

3 months ago

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