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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Pondering on University of Minnesota Twin Cities majors

I've been heavily considering the University of Minnesota, specifically their twin cities campus. Right now, I'm a bit lost as to what I might want to major in. Anyone studying there who can share some insights about their programs, strengths and weaknesses in certain fields, or the flexibility to switch majors?

3 months ago

University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus has an array of popular programs to consider. For instance, they're particularly well-regarded for their engineering and biology programs, if you're inclined towards STEM fields. They also have respected programs in areas like business and marketing.

The flexibility in terms of switching majors largely depends on the specifics. Some programs, particularly competitive ones, may have additional requirements to switch into, but broadly speaking, the university does offer a fair degree of flexibility to explore different academic areas during your first year or two before formally declaring a major.

As for the weaknesses, this also somewhat depends on your personal interest and focus. One aspect I've heard could be a challenge is managing class sizes in freshman and sophomore years, particularly in popular courses where you might be in a lecture hall with hundreds of other students. However, as you progress into your major courses, the class size typically decreases, providing more opportunities for interaction and engagement with faculty.

I recommend visiting the university's website to explore the different programs on offer and perhaps get in contact with the admissions office to get answers to specific questions or concerns you might have. They might also be able to connect you with current students or faculty in various departments who could shed light on specific programs or fields. Overall, it's an expansive university with a diverse range of courses and considerable resources that can make your academic journey a fulfilling one.

3 months ago

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