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What are academics like at the University of Notre Dame?

I'm a high school junior currently exploring my college options. I'm really interested in the University of Notre Dame and was hoping to learn more about the academic rigor there. How challenging is the coursework? And what is the student-faculty relationship like? Any insights would be super helpful.

3 months ago

At the University of Notre Dame, the coursework is known to be both rigorous and rewarding. The school prides itself on its high academic standards and is ranked among the top universities in the country for overall academic quality.

With respect to the disciplines, Notre Dame offers a wide range of majors and the quality across these programs is generally high. For instance, their programs in Business, specifically in Finance and Accounting, are highly respected. They also have strong programs in Political Science, Theology, and Engineering.

As for the workload, it will likely be challenging but manageable. Class formats can vary, with smaller, more intimate seminar-style settings for some courses and larger, lecture-based classes for others. You'll find that the coursework is intellectually stimulating, pushing you to think critically and engage deeply with the material.

When it comes to student-faculty relationships, Notre Dame does really well. The student to faculty ratio is 10:1, which is quite favorable, providing opportunities for personalized attention and mentorship. Professors are also generally very approachable and available for office hours. Many students have reported forming close relationships with faculty, which has significantly enhanced their academic experience.

Remember that while the coursework is challenging, you won't be navigating it alone. There are plenty of resources available to students, including the Writing Center, the Learning Resource Center, and study groups facilitated by the Residence Halls.

Also, it's worth noting that Notre Dame has a Core Curriculum that all students are required to complete, regardless of their major. This Core Curriculum, grounded in the liberal arts, helps ensure a well-rounded education and exposes students to a variety of disciplines.

Overall, academics at Notre Dame are meant to not only educate but also to foster intellectual curiosity, encourage critical thinking, and stimulate personal growth. But despite the rigor, the environment encourages collaboration over competition and students tend to be supportive of each other.

3 months ago

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