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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are people saying about the University of Richmond?

Hey guys, I'm thinking about applying to the University of Richmond and curious about student experiences there. Could you guys share some reviews? Academics, social life, campus facilities - I'm all ears for it all! Thanks!

3 months ago

From what I've heard, many students appreciate the University of Richmond for its strong personal education approach. With a low student-to-faculty ratio, personalized attention from professors is a common praise point. The business and leadership studies majors are often lauded, as is the Jepson School of Leadership Studies, a unique feature of the school.

For social life, it seems to vary based on individual preferences. Richmond is a Division I school, so sporting events can be a big part of campus culture. Also, Greek life is significant on campus, with about 50% of students said to be involved in fraternities or sororities. However, students mention there are still plenty of activities for those not interested in Greek life or sports, including clubs, outdoor activities, and cultural events.

Regarding campus facilities, students seem to appreciate the quality of the facilities and the beautiful layout of the campus, which includes a lake and extensive walking trails. Dorms are praised for being spacious and well-maintained, and the dining options available on campus receive positive reviews.

However, some students have mentioned that the university can feel somewhat insular due to its suburban location. Richmond is a smaller city, and while there are things to do, it might not offer the hustle and bustle of a larger urban center. However, others appreciate the tight-knit community that this environment fosters.

Lastly, the school is known for its generous financial aid, with a commitment to meeting 100% of demonstrated need for admitted students. Many students have reported that this assistance made their dream of studying at Richmond a reality.

As always, your mileage may vary, so it would be beneficial to research further or even visit the campus if you get a chance. It's important for potential students to get as personalized a view as possible when considering any university. Best of luck in your application process!

3 months ago

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