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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Life at University of Scranton?

Hey there, I've been really thinking about the University of Scranton as one of my top choices for college. Can anyone give me some insight on what campus life is like? What kinds of activities and clubs are there?

3 months ago

Hello! It sounds as though you're interested in getting an insider's look at the University of Scranton. In terms of campus life, it's worth mentioning that the university has a rich community-based atmosphere. From the get-go, residents at the university, even as first-year students, really feel like they’re part of a community. The dorms are particularly known to foster a sense of camaraderie and belonging.

The university utilizes a liberal arts foundation, which encourages students to interact and collaborate across a variety of disciplines. Many students have mentioned that this contributes to a positive and well-rounded academic experience.

There's also quite an assortment of student clubs and activities on campus. The university boasts over 80 student-run clubs and organizations which span a variety of interests. These range from academic and professional groups, to cultural and creative outlets, to sports clubs and recreation. There's even an active intramural sports scene for those interested in friendly competition. These clubs can serve as a great way for you to meet peers with similar interests, learn new skills outside of the classroom, and enrich your undergraduate experience.

Activities on campus are abundant and diverse. For example, the University Programming Board, a student-led organization, arranges a number of social events throughout the year, such as comedians, musicians, and novelty shows. Many students have found these events to be a high point in their university social calendar.

Remember, one of the best things you can do is get in touch with the university directly or arrange for a virtual or in-person campus visit. This way, you can experience the culture first-hand, interact with current Scranton students, and get a personal sense of what life on campus might be like!

3 months ago

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