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Connecting with University of Southern California Financial Aid Office

I've got some specific questions about the financial aid at the University of Southern California. What's the best way to contact USC's financial aid office? Do they respond promptly to emails or should I try calling?

3 months ago

The University of Southern California Financial Aid Office offers several methods of contact, including email, phone, and even in-person meetings.

Email is often the most efficient method, as it allows for detailed, thoughtful responses and a record of the conversation. It's typically best to provide as much context as possible in your initial email to eliminate the need for back-and-forth clarification. However, the response time can vary depending on the volume of emails they're handling, though they generally strive to respond within a few business days.

Calling the Financial Aid Office directly can also be a good choice, especially if you need immediate answers or clarification on financial aid issues. Be prepared for possible wait times over the phone though, as call volumes can be high, particularly during peak periods like the start of a semester.

In-person consultations can also provide a more direct connection with financial aid staff. However, this may not always be feasible, and due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some schools might limit in-person services, so it's a good idea to check before showing up.

The contact information for USC's Financial Aid Office is readily available on their website, so feel free to use the communication method that works best for you. And remember, if you're at all uncertain about any aspect of your financial aid package, it's important to ask for clarification—it's their job to help, after all!

3 months ago

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