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Scholarships: Available for High School Sophomores?

Quick question, I'm trying to get a head start on the financial part of college. Are there any scholarships open to sophomores in high school? Any information would help, thank you.

3 months ago

Absolutely, there are indeed scholarships open to sophomores in high school. Though many scholarships are indeed targeted toward seniors as they're preparing to enter college, there are many opportunities available for underclassmen too.

Here are a few examples: the American Legion National Oratorical Contest is open to students grades 9-12 and can offer up to $25,000. The Doodle 4 Google contest is another example open to all grades K-12. There's also the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, which reward students in grades 5-12 who have performed notable acts of volunteerism.

Additionally, keep in mind that some scholarships aren’t tied explicitly to your grade level but rather to your activities or accomplishments. For instance, if you're involved in science activities or competitions outside of school, you might find specific scholarships related to those endeavors.

One of the best things that a sophomore can do is start compiling a list of scholarships that they qualify for so that once you reach your junior & senior year, you have an organized list to work through. And, though being proactive about your scholarship search is wonderful, don't neglect the importance of keeping your grades up and staying involved in your extracurricular activities. These factors can often qualify you for more aid in the future.

Hope that points you in the right direction. Good luck!

3 months ago

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